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Towards five hundred years of Reformation

How does religious travel contribute to inbound tourism in Germany?

In 2015, for the first time ever, around eighty million overnights stays were made by foreign visitors in Germany, up by 5.4 per cent compared to 2014 and a twenty million increase when looking back to 2010. Germany’s most important source markets contributing to this... Lees meer

Putting religious heritage on the map

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and religious heritage tourism

Europe offers a wide variety of historic and cultural tourism itineraries crossing several regions and countries and providing a living example of the rich and impressive European common heritage. The Council of Europe launched the Cultural Routes programme in 1987,... Lees meer

De toekomst van het religieus verleden

In gesprek met Mirjam Blott

Eind 2016 stopt de Agenda Toekomst Religieus Erfgoed. Dit programma heeft zich de afgelopen jaren gericht op het verzamelen van nieuws, kennis en het aanjagen van discussie over en samenwerking op het gebied van religieus erfgoed. Ter gelegenheid van het slotsymposium... Lees meer

Breaking down boundaries

The opportunities and challenges of religious tourism

Fascinating religious heritage, along with a rich cultural and natural history, has helped to make Europe the world’s leading tourist region. An extraordinary tapestry of art forms, heritage sites and spiritual festivals are living legacies of Europe’s magnificent,... Lees meer